The chief of Intel Extreme Masters, Michal "Carmac" Blicharz, is featured in a new show on ESL TV where he will go from a newbie to a Diamond player. This with the help of Kevin "RotterdaM" van der Kooi.
The show will be called "RotterdaM University", and will showcase the former WarCraft 3 virtuoso RotterdaM teaching Carmac about StarCraft 2.
Carmac is known for being an eSports journalist, having worked for sites as SK-Gaming and Global Gaming League. Some might remember him most for his alter ego Uszat who made humorous interviews with eSport stars.
The show is announced to start in January.
RotterdaM has for long been one of the top European WarCraft 3 players.He has now switched to StarCraft 2 and represents Serious Gaming. He is also a well-known shoutcaster after casting several offline events for ESL.