The well known, now former Age of Empires III player - Liam 'Ourk' Streames joins the team with hopes to one day play in Korea with 4Kings supporting him.
“I've always been inspired by the Korean progaming scene, and my eventual dream is to one day play there, against those players, with 4Kings' support,’’ says Ourk
Ourk began his history in Starcraft 2 in early beta playing in the British and Irish open as protoss. After the release of the game he switched to terran and managed to reach top 10 in the EU ladder. He is currently at number 343 with 1435 points. Won 547, lost 459 (54.37% wins)
His recent success in the Intel Extreme Masters UK Qualifier proves that he has a lot of potential. In result of his good play, Ourk has been invited in the ESL PRO Series Season 5, where he will face top players, fighting to make a name for himself and his new team in the Starcraft 2 Universe.
Оurk made his first appearance as part of 4Kings in the CraftCup. He lost in the Quarter Finals vs the zerg player MoMaN.

// Written by abn0rmal_J
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