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General15 years ago

TeD joins the ranks of RAGE

After parting ways with World Elite a week ago, The Chinese Undead superstar Zhuo "TeD" Zeng integrated the Russian team RAGE.

Being unable to renew his 4-year contract with World Elite, the Undead has been admitted to the Russian squad RAGE catching up with two of his country mates: Lin "Wulin" Wu and Yuzong "Blast" Wang.

After such an addition, RAGE.eSports braces for the upcoming challenges with a sturdy roster aligning, alongside the Chinese trio, players like Artem "Cash" Schirobokov and Sasha "Bly" Svisuk.

RAGE.eSports Current Roster
China TeD
China Wulin
China Blast
Russia QuatroEspada
Russia GravuD
Russia Verdi
Russia Cash
Russia Venom
Russia Niam
Kazakhstan VeryB1gman
Ukraine Bly
Iran DeMiGoD

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Ghassen "maelstrom" SFormer WC3 Editor and WC3 Team Leader, back in 2009-2010.