EN translation:
At first he denied some rumors:
- "Kikis has been playing tryouts and failed"
Response: I haven't been playing any tryouts.
- "Kikis is too bad and haven't received any offers"
Response: I received some offers but it's more complicated than you think. One 'offer' was significantly better than the rest - good salary, good gaming house and , most importantly, great players and I think I could do very well there. It's going well for them in the LCS now. I was competing for the spot with other player. A friend who is in this team said: "no worries, you should get the spot" but it didn't sound too sure. I told all the other organisations that they are my second choice for now and I'm waiting for other offer. Turned out that I didn't receive any offer from them and while I was waiting for reply, other teams found players for my positions (top and jungle).
I had offers from Turkey, Spain and other regions but I don't want to go there, I think it's a step backwards. I think I will be back in LCS sooner or later. I aim to be back in summer split.
Last year was a bit tough for me, I've had some difficult 'life' problems. Maybe you remember when I bursted off stage and I didn't stay on the photoshoot, and then I tweeted that I've had too many emotions inside and I wasn't able to stay in public. I was told something about 3hrs before the match. I didn't let this emotions take over until we ended the bo3.
I think it might have affected my career in some way. I needed some time to sort everything out. I didn't have any long break from the game for like 7yrs until September so I wanted to take a break. This game is my life and I gave it everything I had. As I grown up, I realized that I need some time for myself, friends, family, you know.
The other reason is, in pre-season the soloQ wasn't on the highest level, since about 10th November and it wasn't worth tryharding, at least for me because I wanted to take a rest to be ready for the season. I played some games just in case if any team wanted to play tryouts (but it didn't happen) or if they wanted to start earlier (I've had some offers in mid-December too but I was waiting for the reply from organisation that I mentioned).
I play regularly soloQ for some time now and I will be playing in Polish team, we're gonna be competing for 300K EUR. I wanted to wait and see, tryhard in soloQ, wait for offer, but since this tournament was announced, I just want to play it. It's a good opportunity to get into the Polish scene, train, play scrims and stay at the high level.
Kikis top
Inspired jungle
Selfie mid
Puki style adc
Robercik support
I think it's a solid squad and we want to conquer the Polish scene. We have to beat iHG and it's our main goal - to be the best team in Poland. That's all. I wanted to clarify some things, because there were some strange rumors that I wont' be playing at all or something. I will stream sometimes, follow me on facebook (fanpage and my group).
I hope everything is understandable, if not - comment below and I will clarify.