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LoL11 years ago

"The Walking Zed" joins Cloud 9 as challenger team

Amongst the several teams Cloud 9 has been picking up in other titles, Cloud 9 has decided to invest in a powerful challenger team that narrowly missed the mark on qualifying for the NA LCS.

After failing to qualify for the LCS, The Walking Zed have found a new home in Cloud 9.  Cloud 9 has been rapidly spreading it's brand recently, picking up teams for games like SMITE and also grabbing an EU Challenger team, which according to Wickd happens to be the strongest team they've scrimmed and full of new talent.

Fan favorites such as "Bischu" will be held within the lineup, with previous Curse sub "Altec" and former Cloud 9 top laner "Yazuki".  The team will proceed to compete in the Coke Challenger League and scrim along with their primary big brother team, the main Cloud 9 roster.


Cloud 9 Tempest Roster:

UnitedStates Gabriel “Yazuki” Ng (Top)

UnitedStatesKevin “KOR Kez” Jeon (Jungle)

Korea Aaron “Bischu” Kim (Mid)

Canada Johnny “Altec” Ru (AD)

UnitedStates Nicolas “Gleebglarbu” Haddad (Support)

Source - Cloud 9


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