The final weekend of the groups would kick off with a rematch between Wings of Aurora and World Elite, where the underdog team was able to take down World Elite quite convincingly. With shining confidence to their prior victory, they would give Twisted Fate to Misaya and Vayne to Weixiao -- arguably their most comfortable champions to see how things would pan out. Wings of Aurora would start out the game aggressively, pushing in for a free lizard steal from World Elite's jungle.
Despite the early game weakness of Vayne, Weixiao would display his comfort on her by beating out Graves and Lissandra as support on the side of WoA, regardless of heavy jungle assistance helping graves do what damage he can against the duo. Not only would Weixiao and Fzzf be ahead in kills, but also would show a dominating lead in CS score.
A map-long chase leads to several flashes blown for this first blood.
World Elite would have continued early game dominance when Jarvan would assist Renekton in a gank bottom, only for Caomei's Rumble to pick up a 1v2 kill, which was followed shortly after by another 2 kills with the assistance of Troll. Suddenly, Wings of Aurora was not seeing the success they saw only a few weeks prior and were on the punished receiving end of the beating.
The stomping would not come to an end and Misaya would state exactly how big of a mistake it was to allow him to have the champion after assisting in 8 of the 9 kills just 10 minutes into the game, resulting in a 9-1 kill lead with all towers up and a 5-0-3 TF extremely early into the game. Utter domination would continue with a 16 minute baron and a massive kill lead leaving irrepairable damage to the forces of WoA, netting World Elite an easy win at the end of their group.