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LoL8 years ago

Top 5 Camille counters

It’s no secret that Camille is absolutely bonkers right now. She’s only been played once since the LCS started up last week, and has been banned in literally every other game. If that doesn’t scream OP, I don’t know what else does.

However, she’s not without weaknesses. Camille can be brought down, and today’s top 5 runs through the best champions to play when your opponents lock in the Steel Shadow.

#5: Kindred


Kindred are squishy as hell and are usually good targets for divers like Camille, so why are they listed as a counter? Two words, my friend: Lamb’s Respite. Camille can’t kill your squishy friends - or you - while you’re in the area of effect, giving you time to either wait out the Hextech Ultimatum or time to simply bring her health down as well. It’s the only part of Kindred’s kit that contributes to stopping Camille, but damn if it isn’t a good one.

#4: Poppy


The Keeper of the Hammer is one of the tankiest champions in the game and is a brick wall in lane, allowing her to safely farm while under pressure from Camille. Since Hookshot is fairly telegraphed, Poppy can easily use Steadfast Presence to block Camille’s access to her backline or use it to help her win a trade. Finally, Keeper’s Verdict lets Poppy knock Camille out of her own ultimate, cancelling the effect and letting Poppy’s friend walk to safety. If you end up in the toplane against Camille, keep the Keeper in mind.

#3: Alistar


Everyone’s favorite purple minotaur is one of the best counters to Camille thanks to his various displacement abilities. Pulverize can stop Camille in mid-dash if you time it right, and Headbutt can knock the Steel Shadow out of Hextech Ultimatum. Even if you fail the Headbutt, Alistar has enough CC to keep Camille from killing your ADC until the effect ends. Camille ulted you instead of the ADC? Just press R - the damage reduction won’t stop her true damage, but will mitigate everything else she does to you.

#2: Tristana


Most ADCs live in fear of Camille, but not Tristana. The Yordle Gunner can easily send Camille flying out of Hextech Ultimatum with Buster Shot, ending the effect early and letting you jump to safety. Rocket Jump can also be used to escape from an incoming Hookshot - the delay on the move is long, sure, but Hookshot is pretty telegraphed. Meanwhile, Tristana guns down Camille from long range, preventing the Steel Shadow from getting any value out of Adaptive Defenses.

#1: Fiora


Stopping Camille is all well and good, but what if you want to kill her? Fiora’s your gal. The Grand Duelist trades into Camille quite well, dancing in with Lunge for some easy true damage - which can’t be blocked by Adaptive Defenses! - before speeding away. If Camille tries to reengage on Fiora with Hookshot, she can always Riposte the ability and stun Camille back.

Fiora can’t escape Camille’s ultimate, but she CAN simply ult the Steel Shadow back. A target that stays in one place makes it easy for Fiora to proc Grand Challenge’s vitals, giving her the sustain to last through Hextech Ultimatum’s duration. It’s a skill matchup for sure, but of any champion, Fiora has the best time of it against Camille.