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General4 years ago

In regards, to play Zuljin alone in ranked.

IDK, it feels like ZJ is very unplayable when you play alone (no premade), and in some elos (Dancing between high Gold/low Plat ATM).


You need someone to care for you, as you're gonna be close to the enemies trading/stacking often... And if you're not gonna trade AAs with enemies and "Be safe", then you are better with any other AA ranged assasin.

Its difficult to scale with ZJ already, so imagine if the team doesnt help to stack or peel at all. No amount of moving between AAs/kiting is gonna help me trade/stack or simply save myself, when the enemy is intelligent enough to "Lets CC and hard focus the ZJ every teamfight".

If Im to play healer and I have a ZJ in my team, Im 100% aware that I have to play for him. When a healer/tank actually does this for me, I relatively faceroll the game once I scale, but healers/tanks seem clueless often.


Its very sad, as Im deciding to move to OTP some other more "Independent" AA ranged heroes (Lunara, Tracer, and that type). I've discussed this issue with higher elo friends, and they basicly agree that "The team has to know to play around you if you're ZJ".

...Or maybe I just have to "Git gud/L2P"?


Edit: Sorry if the post feels/sounds whiny TBH BTW.