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General4 years ago

Who is Hogger?: Get to know the 90th Heroes of the Storm hero

On Monday afternoon, the Heroes of the Storm community was greeted by the 90th playable hero to enter the nexus as Hogger, the gnarly, nasty gnoll, was announced on the game's official Twitter account. 

For fans of the World of Warcraft or Hearthstone franchises, you are likely familiar with him in some capacity or have the baseline understanding that he's a wanted, angry, and savage brute with exactly 666 health in the former. It's difficult to rise to the ranks of chieftain of the Riverpaw gnoll clan based in the Southern Elwynn Forest and not be a little rough around the edges.

Historically, early World of Warcraft players will acquire a quest to slay the axe-wielding gnoll in the forest as he's only a level 11 Elite.
