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General4 years ago

Stuck in bronze 1, am I just bad?

I'm at about account level 170, I've put a solid number of hours into this game and I just can't for the life of me seem to escape bronze 1 hell.

My preferred roles are tank and healer, with Johanna, Stitches and ETC as my best tanks and Uther, Auriel and Malfurion as my best healers. Most of my best heroes are about level 10-15.

I try to draft effectively, soak when possible, and be to objectives on time. I follow builds and modify them based on the matchup when it makes sense to do so. It feels like I'm doing things right but find myself losing games more often than winning.

I know that I'm not the greatest player and there's a lot I could do to improve, but so much of the time it feels like I just get stuck with a trash team, or even a single teammate that makes us lose. I'll be one game away from entering silver, and I get some guy that puts "flex" in his roles but only wants to play Butcher and we're stuck with no tank. Or a player that dies 12 times by diving 1v5 then yells at the top player on our team for dying once. Or people that brawl midlane all game while the enemy Zagara is knocking our bottom tower. Or people that teamfight over a camp while the objective is active across the map.

It's just infuriating. What can I do to escape? How much is my own skill versus bad luck with teammates?