The level storm talent that upgrades Molten Core is often overlooked for other upgrades, but is it the sleeper OP talent that takes Ragnaros to another level?
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If you are wondering how Ragnaros is capable of doing so much damage, it's due to his level 20 heroic talent, Heroic Difficulty
Heroic Difficulty -
- Your Health and damage are increased by 50% while in Molten Core, and its cooldown is reduced by 50 seconds.
There aren't many talents in the game that grant a flat 50% damage increase, but Heroic Difficulty does just that. Considering that Ragnaros can use heroic abilities while in Molten Core form, this talent makes Sulfuras Smash do some seriously insane burst damage.
2,032 AoE damage at level 21, from one ability, to be exact.
Many players are drawn to the inherent power of Lava Wave and the Storm talent Lava Surge that grants an extra charge and reduced cooldown. However, the sheer power and team-wipe ability of Heroic Difficulty seems too powerful to ignore.
Remember, this talent also reduces the cooldown of Molten Core by a whopping 50 seconds. Just how, exactly, does this talent even remotely compare with Submerge, the Ice Block variant on a 90-second cooldown?
So far, the most popular sentiment is that Lava Wave makes Ragnaros too strong, but is it possible that Heroic Difficulty is the true culprit? Regardless of where you stand on the topic, everyone can agree that Ragnaros is, in no uncertain terms, one of the strongest new heroes to be released, rivaling that of Kael'Thas and even Samuro.
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