Despite securing multiple high tournament finishes on the back of control decks, Chakki still holds the title of king of aggro. Check out his Druid list that peaked at #6 Legend last season.
Although the standard builds for Druid are midrange-y, aggro lists aren't exactly unheard of. Beast Druid has seen a handful of variations, relying on the punching power of [card]Savage Combatant[/card] and early game minions including [card]Druid of the Saber[/card] and [card]Power of the Wild[/card].
For his aggro Druid list, Chakki uses much of the aforementioned cards but notably cuts Savage Combatant to go even more aggressive. The deck almost plays like face Shaman or Zoo, with [card]Dire Wolf Alpha[/card], [card]argent horserider[/card] and [card]huge toad[/card] saturating the early curve. With the deck ending at the 5-slot with double [card]druid of the claw[/card], there isn't any huge comeback mechanic like Yogg-Saron and with no [card]azure drake[/card]s, the list notably lacks card draw outside [card]Mark of Y'Shaarj[/card].
So, in short, make sure you don't throw away your resources and keep hitting that face.
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