Earlier this week, Deathboose became the first ever player to win three GosuCup HCT EU tournaments. Here’s his line-up.
A balanced line-up featuring the strongest decks in the meta is very much required when playing open tournaments, and Deathboose – a veteran competitor – is well aware of the fact. A line-up loyalist, the Swede has been using a mix of midrange and control decks, making for a Shaman/Warlock/Warrior/Druid combo.
If you intend to sign up and compete in our July cups – and you should, as they give out 7 HCT points each Monday, Wednesday and Friday – taking a note of the ultimate GosuCup EU champion is recommended. Find his line-up from his most recent victory below. To get more ladder and tournament decks from the best players in the game, check out our deck library.
Deathboose’s championship line-up:
C’Thun Warrior
C’Thun Druid
Midrange Shaman
Sign up for next week's GosuCup EU tournamens:
MON: July Cup #2, 17:00 CEST
WED: July Cup #3, 17:00 CEST
FRI: July Cup #4, 17:00 CEST