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Hearthstone9 years ago

Meet Yogg-Saron, alongside a whole bunch of other cards

As the arrival of the new expansion draws closer the last Old God was revealed, and its battlecry will have both you AND your opponent tremble with fear.

Starting off with the big chunk of evil himself, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End has already been dubbed as "God of RNG" by the community. Looking at its battlecry, no other nickname seems more fit. Say, as a Druid, you play double [card]Innervate[/card] into Yogg-Saron. Although the odds are not huge, you might just [card]Pyroblast[/card] your opponent in the face twice. Literally any spell in the game can be cast, and any target on board can be selected. As far as cards with the "discover" mechanic goes, Yogg-Saron will randomly choose an option, and the same goes for Druid spells. Blizzard has stated that they're not sure yet whether "overload" spells will actually apply overload to the player.

Warlocks had their fair share of cards this week, and to start it all off Spreading Madness was revealed. Its effect reminds of [card]Mad Bomber[/card] and [card]Madder Bomber[/card], although now packed in a spell. Similarly to the two cards mentioned before, Spreading Madness does seem like a lot of fun to play (especially if summoned from the Old God you see above), but it doesn't seem very viable competitively. The effect is too random, and just once in a blue moon it will save you the board and potentially your life.

Following the Warlock trend, the two-headed ogre Cho'Gall was revealed by Hakjun "Kranich" Baek, following the card vote. As Warlocks have always used their health as resource through their hero power, Cho'Gall expands this iconic feature of the class even more. With a 7 mana investment you not only have a strong body on board, you also greatly expand the range of your spellcasting ability. Synergies with [card]Siphon Soul[/card] were immediately thought of: effectively just paying 3 health to remove a minion. Alternatively, for 4 health you can [card]Shadowflame[/card] and annihilate the enemy's minions. As more cards will be revealed in the new expansion, it can be expected that more interesting synergies will pop up.

To conclude the Warlock trilogy of the week, a very cheap but sticky minion was revealed on Spanish community site Niubie. Possesed Villager reminds a lot of [card]Argent Squire[/card], with the downside being that Argent Squire essentially has infinite health at first due to its Divine Shield. However, the upside of Possessed Villager is that it will survive a [card]Power Overwhelming[/card] and summon a new 1/1. It is to be expected that in a meta where Argent Squire would see play, Possessed Villager seems like a good replacement for it in decks like Zoolock.

Up next, Tempo Storm had the honor to draw the community's eyes towards a new card. Despite being loyal follower of the Old Gods, Soggoth the Slitherer doesn't make an impressive appearance. For 9 mana, which is an insane amount, a very weak body enters the board. Although having the same effect as [card]Faerie Dragon[/card] and [card]Spectral Knight[/card], this does not make the card much better. In a deck where you reach the 9-cost minions, you want them to be intimidating and have a huge impact like [card]Alexstrasza[/card], or [card]Ysera[/card]. Sad to say, Soggoth might only see play if he's created by [card]Elise Starseeker[/card].

Last but not least (see Soggoth, above), Wisps of the Old Gods was shown by Thijs "ThijsNL" Molendijk after the same card vote Kranich participated in. Re-using the joke of [card]Dark Wispers[/card]' in its name, this Druid card lets you choose between one of [card]Cenarius[/card]' effects and a big [card]Muster for Battle[/card]. Though maybe not being the worst card in the article, it is hard to find use for this card in the current meta. An archetype in which this card might see play is Token Druid, although this is not a viable deck at the moment. As Thijs mentions in his video, some combinations could be found with [card]Soul of the Forest[/card], but it will be very difficult to pull off.

You can follow the reveal of the new expansion with our Whispers of the Old Gods full card list here.

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