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General9 years ago

This new Druid card lets you ramp like never before

Kripparrian has revealed a new Druid card, Astral Communion, which boosts up your mana crystals... at a cost.

There already exist certain Druid cards which have some sort of an ultimate effect on the game. Take [card]Tree of Life[/card], for example, a powerful heal that restores every character to full health. But what happens when you take this concept and apply it to mana ramping?

Astral Communion, a new Druid epic spell gives you 10 mana crystals straight away, guaranteeing that you can essentially play any card you draw this game. The cost, however, is your entire hand, which you must discard.

It's a rather interesting card which could see some use when cast in the right moment. Druids are not known for their ability to come from behind when they lose board control, so playing this on T4 at the cost of your mid-range minions which are also Druid's most efficient way to control board sounds suicidal. But what about Innervating this early, at T2? It becomes a powerful boost for the entirity of the game and even though you'll be playing off the top of your deck, if all you draw is beefy minions, than it's all good, right?

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