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Hearthstone10 years ago

A $60,000 Hearthstone Pro League is coming in June

With no deckbuilding restrictions in place, one has to wonder what  a player like TidesofTime can do.

Following the steps of the Kinguin PRO League and the Nvidia Pro/Am, are launching their own ongoing league with a sizeable prize pool and offline finals.

From what we see, the trend of more ongoing leagues popping up in Hearthstone is not going to slow down. Although KPL is in its off-season and Nvidia Pro/Am is about to have its playoffs soon, report for a Vulcun Hearthstone league and an Archon-hosted team league promise lots of Hearthstone content to come in the next months.

Another tournament organizer that will join the party is PvPLive. Known primarily for their Tavern Takeover series, PvPLive are now stepping up their game, aiming to provide a long-running Hearthstone show compared to the weekend-long invitationals they previously hosted.

The Hearthstone Pro League, or HPL, will start in June with 16 players in a round robin stage, half of which will advance to the offline playoffs. Unlike traditional Hearthstone tournaments, the HPL will allow a bigger freedom of deckbuilding as players will be given limited time between each game to modify and/or reconstruct their line-up. “If you can build it, you can play it,” says HPL’s official press release.

The tournament will be streamed from Monday to Thursday starting at 17:00 CST (00:00 CEST) and the group stage will last for two months, between June 8th and August 14th. August 27-30 are the days for the LAN finals in Frisco, Texas.

With HPL taking the majority of the week, Hearthstone fans should be rejoicing, but also be concerned about possible oversaturation of content, as there could soon be three long-running leagues happening at the same time with constant overlaps.