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Hearthstone11 years ago

Gnimsh examines StrifeCro's legend-ranked Druid

Gnimsh's third installment of "Deck Check" goes through StrifeCro's Druid that helped him take #1 on the NA ladder and does a decklist and card-by-card review.

StrifeCro's Druid was built to be a sort of a hybrid deck that counters heavily aggressive decks like Warlocks and play the control role but also deploy mid-game threats and go for the throat against more control oriented opponents (i.e. in Druid mirrors, against control Paladins and board control Shamans). 

The deck has many of the bread-and-butter Druid cards like Innervate, Wrath, Keeper of the Grove, Swipe, Druid of the Claw, Starfall and Ancient of Lore but there are a few notable deviations that make him different than most late-game Druids out there. Loot Hoarder is added for not only for extra card draw but also for the invaluable 2 damage that can kill early game threats like Flame Imp or Knife Juggler. The Wild Pyromancers are also added as another anti-aggro measure.

Mid-curve-wise, two Earten Ring Farseers have replaced the usual Healing Touch as they combine healing with board presence. Defender of Argus has taken the slot of Ancient of War by not only being a cheaper card with build-in taunt but also one that can be played both on the offensive (gives two +1/+1's) and on the defensive (creates taunters). 

In the legendary department, there're the ubiquitous Bloodmage Thalnos (to empower Wraths, Swipes and Starfalls), Sylvanas and Black Knight (the taunt counter) but the others are different than what Druids use to run. Instead of Ragnaros and Ysera, this deck runs Cairne Bloodhoof (a 4/5 that replaces itself with another one upon deathrattle) and Cenarius (a card that creates board presence or acts as a finisher if board presence is already established). 

You can see the full decklist to the right. Gnimsh's Deck Tech video is below.
