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8 months ago

Respawn reverts Apex Legends battle pass changes after players protest price hike

Image: Electronic Arts

Respawn Entertainment has changed its mind on controversial changes to Apex Legends’ battle pass. 

Developer Respawn Entertainment is changing Apex Legends’ battle pass again, reverting the previously announced list of sweeping changes that included splitting each season into two 60-tier battle passes and making players pay real money for them. 

This comes after a swift protest from players against the price hike, with many voicing their concerns on social media and review bombing the game on Steam. Their messages have not been ignored, as Respawn apologised for the controversial changes in a recent statement and announced that players would once again be allowed to buy in-game battle passes for earnable currency. 

Respawn Entertainment is changing Apex Legends’ battle pass… again

Respawn is reverting at least one part of its previously-announced battle pass changes, following overwhelmingly negative player feedback online. The developer had previously announced that, to “improve your experience and progression goals,” players would soon have to pay real money for two separate battle passes per season. 

Previously, they could purchase battle passes with Apex Coins, which could also be earned back simply by progressing through the battle pass. 

Players were quite vocal about disliking the change, which would make keeping up with the game’s seasonal battle passes much more expensive. Thankfully, Respawn has changed its mind to allow players to purchase the Premium Battle Pass for 950 Apex Coins, starting from Season 22. The developer wrote, “We recognise that we could have handled the Battle Pass changes better - that's on us."

Players will also be able to unlock Season 22’s first battle pass for free, “by completing a series of simple in-game challenges.” The scope of these challenges is currently unknown. The developer also shared a new infographic on Apex Legends’ new battle pass system and pricing: 

Apex Legends Season 22 will kick off in August, following the conclusion of Season 21: Upheaval. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!