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Blizzard apologises for rough Overwatch 2 launch with free cosmetics and Double XP weekends

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 had a rough launch, and you’re entitled for compensation. 

Blizzard Entertainment is apologising for Overwatch 2’s rough launch week by giving players some free goodies. The game has been almost unplayable for the last week because of multiple DDoS attacks that shut players out for long periods of time, along with various other bugs and glitches that led to locked heroes and erased player progression. Things are finally looking up, though. 

Blizzard acknowledges that Overwatch 2’s launch has been less than ideal in a new post, saying that the development team plans to deploy more stability updates starting with another patch later this week to tighten things up. As an apology for all the issues players have had to deal with over the last week however, Blizzard is giving away a few free cosmetics and lining up ‘several’ Double Match XP weekends to make up for lost time. 

Seeing as the game’s Battle Pass progression relies on players logging in and completing challenges every day, those Double XP weekends should be a relief to anyone who couldn’t log in during launch week. As for the free cosmetics, anyone who logs in from October 25 until Season One ends (Blizzard hasn’t announced a specific end date) will get a new Cursed Captain Reaper Legendary skin and a Health Pack Weapon Charm. These freebies will automatically be added to your collection as long as you log in during that time window. Here’s what the skin looks like:

Here’s what the weapon charm looks like:

The game’s launch woes aren’t over, though. Currently, two of the game’s Heroes have been disabled for play because of their buggy ability kits. Bastion has been removed from the game because of a bug that allowed the robot to spam his carpet-bombing Ultimate on the map forever, while the latter had a bug that allowed his Ultimate to run for double the time. After a patch was released to remove these heroes, a majority of players found that they had been locked out of a huge swathe of the playable roster. Blizzard released a fix for this, but it remains an issue for a few players still. 

Blizzard as a whole has had a rough week. Alongside the two DDoS attacks aimed specifically at Overwatch 2, the games publisher suffered yet another DDoS attack against yesterday that resulted in connection issues. Not the best launch week ever, but somehow par for the course with most live service game launches these days. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!