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Entertainment3 years ago

Street Fighter 6's new trailer reveals two more fighters: a ninja and a sadist

Image: Capcom

Capcom has revealed two more additions to Street Fighter 6’s roster, and one of them is all-new. 

To the surprise of no one, Capcom made an appearance at EVO 2022 to promote the upcoming release of Street Fighter 6 by unveiling two more fighters: Juri and Kimberly. While Juri returns from Street Fight 5, Kimberly is an all-new addition to the franchise. 

Check out the duo’s reveal trailer below:

Juri is a Korean fighter who made her debut in Street Fighter 4, but she’s gotten a slick redesign for the new title. Capcom wears its heart on its sleeve by describing Juri as a, “sadistic thrillseeker who enjoys the suffering of others, taking immense joy in obliterating her foes,” on the PlayStation Blog. Her costume has been rearranged to better fit Street Fighter 6’s stylish and colourful aesthetic, with black tape underneath her jacket meant to imitate the appearance of a spider. 

Even her helmet and smartphone matches her goth design, with cat ears, pink-and-black clothing, boxing gloves with metal spikes and zippers aplenty. Capcom is really leaning into her sadistic nature here, as it’s the only thing that really drives Juri now that she’s already achieved her goal of revenge against M. Bison in Street Fighter 5. At the moment, she’s just coasting along, beating people up and smiling while she does it. She also enters the trailer with a homage to Akira, which is neither here nor there, but pretty cool nonetheless. 

Kimberly is the first Black woman to join Street Fighter’s roster, and she brings the ‘80s with her. Head over heels with ‘80s pop culture and always carrying around a portable cassette player, Kimberly uses spray cans and loud music to bring hype to a match. She studies ninjutsu under Guy, the 39th Successor to Bushinryu, and graduated college early on her quest to become a full-fledged ninja. 

Kimberly is an athletic fighter who excels in speed and acrobatic movements, and her costume suits her hobbies nicely. She wears a bright yellow-and-red gi with sneakers, throwing subtlety out of the window to suit her love for running and airborne attacks. Both her spray can and cassette player can be used for special moves, such as throwing the can down as a Shuriken Bomb. She also listens to music by a very specific artist - but Capcom teases that we’ll only find out who that is later in the story. 

Kimberly’s loud and colourful personality, and Juri’s goth foot-stomping reveal have gone down just as well as you’d expect online. Here’s how the crowd at EVO 2022 reacted to the reveal - stick around for Juri’s Super:

Street Fighter 6 launches in 2023 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!