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Dota 2 Tinker patch 7.37b

Dota 2

7 months ago

Dota 2 patch 7.37b patch arrives with a sizeable nerf for support Tinker

It has been two weeks since Dota 2’s 7.37 gameplay patch was released, and today we have the release of 7.37b with some interesting buffs and nerfs.

With the release of Patch 7.37, the rise of support Tinker came to the forefront of Dota 2, with some interesting changes to the previously added Repair Bots aspect of March of the Machines. While the release of August’s 7.37 patch originally had quite a few buffs for the hero, today’s 7.37b patch sees the nerf hammer hitting the robot, with a few other nerfs and buffs along the way for other heroes and items.

Item updates



Yasha and Kaya

Kaya and Sange

Meteor Hammer

Neutral item updates

With the return of Ironwood Tree as a Tier 1 Neutral Item in 7.37, a small nerf to cast range of the item.

Hero updates

There are multiple buffs and nerfs which have come with patch 7.37b. As mentioned before, the support Tinker Facet is definitely one of the most interesting nerfs, while buffs to Enchantress and Death Prophet are almost entirely unneeded.


Ember Spirit

Ember Spirit has seen a pretty big nerf coming his way in this patch, with his Immolation and Sleight of Fist both getting hit. Not only that but within his talents, he saw even more nerfs.



As we have already mentioned, the support Tinker Repair Bots Facet has seen a pretty sizeable nerf, while March of the Machines itself and Defense Matrix were both hit with increased mana costs.



With a pretty decent Win Rate of around 47%, Invoker has been given a rather interesting buff where Quas, Wex, Exort, and Invoke can now all be used and channeled while he remains invisible.

There are many more hero changes, both buffs and nerfs, which can be found here. It will be interesting to see how they affect the game over the next few weeks.

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Jarrad "Belandrial" AdamsBelandrial has spent most of his years following Dota 2 closely, but now has found a new home in the complex world of Mobile Esports. When not watching nearly every possible esports title available, you can find me running around Azeroth or building strange bases in Valheim.