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Entity Riyadh Masters
Dota 22 months ago

Entity can't hold on at Riyadh Masters 2024

Entity's road at Riyadh Masters 2024 comes to an end thanks to BetBoom in the Lower Bracket Round 1 of the playoffs. 

Riyadh Masters 2024 day two of playoffs was all about eliminations – three in total. Earlier fans witnessed Weibo.Xtreme Gaming crush Aurora 2:0. Things moved on to pit Western Europe against Eastern Europe with Entity taking on BetBoom. BetBoom found themselves in the lower brackets straight from the group stage, after barely surviving. Entity started in the upper brackets but fell after a defeat from Gaimin Gladiators. 

Despite BetBoom's struggles earlier in the event, it seems they finally showed up with the kind of games expected from them. 

EntityvsBetBoom Team 1:2

The first match in the series saw BetBoom pick up a Grimstroke. The hero has an abysmal win rate and they did it pick it once before – and lost, but it works well with the SandKing and Weaver.  The hard execution lineup wasn't an issue for BetBoom as they dictated the pace early on with Entity trying to keep up and in full recovery mode. BB Team's warding gave them full vision and were able to see every move to be made, making it a very easy game for the cores and a very one-sided affair to take the first match. 

Entity's coach came out for Game 2 saying that they had fixed their issues from Game 1 and had a much better and stronger laning phase. He expected them to have an ‘easier time'. They did last pick the Ember Spirit, a hero that has fallen off the radar a bit but does have an overall well-performing history – and it did seem that it worked out for them as they tied up the series. 

In the deciding game of the series BetBoom first picked Weaver – the only hero that has won both games and a series meta hero. Early on they let it tank the hits and kills, maintaining control over the pace. In what was probably Danil "gpk" Skutin's best game of the event, the CIS team seems to have reawoken and crushed Entity in this last game to take the series victory. 

Entity’s journey at Riyadh Masters 2024 ends in 9th-12th place with $100,000 in their pockets and with TorontoTokyo crushing their tournament medal.

BetBoom will continue in the lower brackets to face off against Xtreme Gaming on Friday, July 19th. They have secured at least a top 8 finish. 

The action continues with another elimination series in the lower brackets. 

Team SpiritvsLGD Gaming 18:00 CEST

 Riyadh Masters 2024 prize pool and Champions Club points distribution

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Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2
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