We take a look at how good the 14 reworked core Aghanim’s Shards from Dota 2 patch 7.33 are.
When a ginormous patch like Dota 2 patch 7.33 is released, there are bound to be more than a few changes to Aghanim’s Shards. That has been the case this time around too, with a lot of heroes getting their Aghanim’s Shard upgrades reworked, and Muerta getting a new Shard.
Aghanim’s Shard is a very unique item, as it doesn’t consume an item slot, but also does not provide any stats. It just provides an upgrade to a skill or a new skill, which is similar to Aghanim’s Scepter, but without the stats. But the lack of stats also makes it 2800 gold cheaper than a Scepter, which makes it easier to procure, especially for supports, who are starved for farm. And after patch 7.33, the Shard dynamics have changed a bit as well. You can no longer get Shard from the second Roshan, which helped heroes like Ursa a lot more than it did others. Now you get the free Shard from the Tormentor at 20 minutes – which is earlier than most second Roshan kills - but that goes to a support.
Here, we take a look at the reworked Aghanim’s Shards for cores, and rate them on a scale of 0 to 10. A rating of 0 means the Shard should be destroyed, as Tundra Esports’ Martin “Saksa” Sazdov once did while playing Marci a few months ago. A rating of 10 means it should be obtained at the 15 minute mark, with players smashing the Aghanim’s Shard button as the timer runs down from 14:50 to 15:00. The list of ratings starts with the Shard upgrades that are the worst of the lot and proceeds in ascending order towards better ratings.
Clinkz (5/10)
Burning Barrage: Now granted by Aghanim's Shard. Also douses enemies in Tar Bomb slow. Cooldown: 22s. Range: 850. Damage per arrow: 65%.
Clinkz has been included in cores, but at least in professional Dota 2 games, he is being played as a position 4 hero. Like every big patch in recent years, the Bone Fletcher got a complete revamp. This revamp took him back to his old assassin style, for which the build is Orchid Malevolence, Solar Crest, Desolator and the likes which help you quickly take down one target. For the previous Clinkz based around Burning Barrage, the build was completely different. Items like Maelstrom and Eye of Skadi were prioritized, because the entire hero was built around Burning Barrage. With that not being the case anymore, getting Burning Barrage 15 minutes into the game does not seem like the most beneficial thing. That 1400 gold can be put to much better use, especially since the assassin Clinkz is not the fastest of farmers in the game.
Previously, there were two Burning Barrage talents to improve it. With the skill now being switched to an Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, there aren’t any talents to make it better. All in all, a core or support Clinkz is better off without it. It can definitely be an additional arrow in his quiver in the late game, but in the early and mid game, other items should be prioritized.
Magnus (5/10)
Shockwave: Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard
Increases range by 400 and wave speed by 300. Causes Shockwave to return towards the caster's original cast location after reaching max length, hitting enemies a second time for 50% of the damage.
The upgraded Shockwave seems like a good tool for farming, but Magnus doesn’t really need it because he has Empower, which is one of the best skills at clearing creep waves and neutral camps. Magnus is either played as a right clicker in the position 1 or position 2 roles, or an aura building initiator in the position 3 role. In neither of those roles is magic damage a priority. Shockwave is often maxed out second or even third, with Empower taking priority. It can be a good tool to sneakily push out lanes or defend high ground in case the game isn’t going well, but not something Magnus would want to get every game.
Zeus (5/10)
Lightening Hands: New passive ability granted by Aghanim's Shard. Increases Zeus' attack range by 100. Zeus' attacks create Arc Lightnings that deal 50% of its damage (illusions deal 20%).
This is one of the most interesting Shards to be released, not just in patch 7.33, but in the history of Aghanim’s Shards! The Shard literally converts a spell caster into a right clicker. It gets 10/10 for ingenuity and adding variety to the game, which is what Dota 2 is all about. But Zeus’ best role in the game is still as a spell caster, staying in the shadows and reigning down spells and magic damage. With that in mind, Aghanim’s Shard isn’t an item the Thunder God should have on his shopping list. But hey, it is worth having some fun in an unranked game!
Broodmother (6/10)
Aghanim's Shard Base Attack Damage Bonus Increase per second rescaled from +12 flat Damage to +4% Base Damage.
A six slotted Broodmother has a base damage of around 270 (will vary depending on the item choices); 4% of which is 10.8. The previous Shard provided 12 damage from minute 15 (12 is 4% of 300), which was higher than a fully farmed Brood for the current iteration (unless you have something like a Divine Rapier). At minute 15, the current Aghanim’s Shard will provide much less damage, with the exact damage depending on Brood’s farm at that point. Ironically, getting the Shard will mean sacrificing some of that farm. This is a nerf for Brood, and will possibly see the effectiveness of her Aghanim’s Shard go down.
Spectre (6/10)
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade reworked. Allows to activate Dispersion to increase damage reflected by it by 100% for 5s. Only increases the outgoing damage, doesn't mitigate the incoming damage. Mana Cost: 50. Cooldown: 25s.
Not a Shard Spectre wants before getting six slotted. The Shard will have maximum effect only when Spectre is a tanky beast, which is in the late game. Aghanim’s Scepter is much more of a priority for Spectre.
Axe (7/10)
Aghanim's Shard no longer increases proc chance. Now reduces the cooldown of Counter Helix to 0 seconds.
Post patch 7.33, Counter Helix procs after every 4 attacks (at level 4 of the skill), and not based on chance, as was previously the case. The original cooldown for Counter Helix is 0.3 seconds. By default, if you get off a multi unit Berserker’s Call, you will end up spinning three times in less than a second. Early on in the game, there’s less chance of you being hit with more than 12 attacks per second, so this is not a Shard that should be prioritized when Aghanim’s Shard becomes available at the 15 minute mark.
As the game goes on, attack speeds increase, which is when Axe’s Aghanim’s Shard upgrade will start to make more sense. So it is something that can be looked at after the fourth or fifth item. Of course, there are specific cases like facing a Chaos Knight or Phantom Lancer that will warrant an early Shard pickup. But other than that, it should be considered only in the late game.
Invoker (7/10)
EMP: Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Multiplies Burn Damage by 1.5x and makes it pull enemy units into its center at 100 units per second.
Not a Shard to prioritize when you’re playing Exort Invoker. But for a Quas-Wex Invoker, who is more of a tempo controlling mid, this Shard is perfect for making life difficult for enemies trying to escape EMP. It’s a bit like Enigma’s Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade, which pulls enemies at the periphery into the Black Hole. That, however, is at a speed of 175, while Invoker’s EMP pull is at 100.
The base burn damage for EMP is 60% of the mana burned. That Shard increases that to 90%, which is a nice cherry on top. The maximum magic damage from EMP without the Aghanim’s Shard is 375, which is increased to 562.5 with the Shard.
Riki (7/10)
Smoke Screen: Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Enemies in the smoke screen have their armor reduced by 7 and cannot be targeted by their allies.
Riki’s previous Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, which gave him Sleeping Dart and made him viable as a position 4 support, definitely deserved a rating of 10. That was one which players got as soon as the game timer hit 15:00.
But with Sleeping Dart removed from the game (woohoo!), Riki is back to a core role, and his new Shard is very situational. It can be useful when the enemy team has a save like Dazzle, Oracle or Vengeful Spirit, and you want to prevent a core hero from being saved. But it’s not something Riki would need to have every game.
Drow Ranger (7/10)
Glacier: New ability granted by Aghanim's Shard.
Drow Ranger creates a hill of ice beneath her. While standing on the hill, attackers gain bonus attack range and high ground advantage - they cannot miss and gain flying vision. Drow Ranger additionally gets 1 bonus Multishot arrow per wave while on the hill. The front of the hill obscures vision and cannot be moved through. Duration: 8s. Mana Cost: 75. Cooldown: 25s.
Not as good as the previous Shard upgrade which gave Drow Ranger the Hypothermia ability, which is now a part of her Scepter. Aghanim’s Scepter is definitely better, but Aghanim’s Shard can be useful while hitting high ground or even defending high ground. Keep in mind though, that the hill of ice is not targeted, and appears in the direction she is facing. Using it while attempting to run might actually trap her in.
Phantom Lancer (7/10)
Juxtapose: Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Allows Juxtapose to be activated to create 1 illusion at Phantom Lancer's location, giving him instant invisibility. Move Speed Bonus: 15%. Duration: 8s. Cooldown: 15s.
Phantom Lancer’s new Shard is a blast from the past! The Juxtapose active is same as the old Doppelwalk ability, which was replaced by Doppelganger in Dota 2 patch 6.82. For the Dota 1 players, this will feel extremely nostalgic.
Phantom Lancer won’t require this Shard every game. It will be more of a purchase in a game where Azwraith is playing from behind and needs to be more elusive than usual.
Muerta (8/10)
Pierce the Veil: Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Grants 30% Spell Lifesteal for the duration of Pierce the Veil. Muerta permanently gains 2% Spell Amplification every time she kills an enemy hero during Pierce the Veil or any enemy hero dies within 925 units.
Muerta’s new Aghanim’s Shard gives her infinite scalability! A good chunk of Muerta’s damage comes from Pierce the Veil, which means she will keep on racking up the damage not just for her right clicks when she is transformed, but also for Dead Shot and The Calling. But more than the spell amplification gained, the benefit of this Aghanim’s Shard upgrade lies in the spell lifesteal, which gives her a lot of sustain while standing her ground and right clicking with Pierce the Veil active. A Shard worth buying in every game, but not at the 15 minute mark. This is something to get when Muerta has her basic set of items like Hurricane Pike, Mjolnir and BKB.
Omniknight (8/10)
Hammer of Purity: Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Allows the Omniknight to be healed for 30% of damage dealt by Hammer of Purity. Every 6 seconds, Omniknight's next attack automatically fires a Hammer of Purity at the target.
According to Dotabuff, Aghanim’s Shard is Omniknight’s most used item this month, and it isn’t a surprise as that is literally what makes him a core! Well, that and Harpoon. Dota 2 patch 7.33 has made Omniknight into a viable mid hero, and for a core role, the Shard is absolutely essential. It gets a rating of 8 because Omni is also played as a support, in which case, you would not get a Shard on him at all. But for a core Omniknight, it should be bought as the third main item after Phase Boots and Echo Sabre.

Meepo (9/10)
Dig: Now granted by Aghanim's Shard.
Duration decreased from 4s to 3s. Max HP Restore decreased from 50% to 35%.
Meepo’s previous Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade was moved to an Aghanim’s Shard upgrade in Dota 2 patch 7.33, and it wasn’t nerfed a lot considering Meepo now gets Dig for 2800 less gold. Definitely a Shard worth buying relatively early in the game. It can dispel Meepo or any of his clones that’s in trouble and restore 35% of its HP. Lot of added survivability for 1400 gold!
Brewmaster (10/10)
Aghanim's Shard now extends Primal Split duration by 12s and grants Brewlings the Primal Split Cancel ability.
Hands down, the best Aghanim’s Shard for cores to come out of Dota 2 patch 7.33. It increases the Brew Split duration by 12 seconds, which is a 60% increase on its level 3 duration of 20 seconds. For 1400 gold, that’s a steal and should be obtained as soon as it is available and Brewmaster has the gold for it. Aghanim’s Shard is Brewmaster’s most purchased item this month, and it’s not a surprise.
Now 32 seconds is a lot of time, and the Brewlings could die in that time, causing Brewmaster to bite the dust. But they get the Primal Split Cancel ability with the Shard, with which Brewmaster can revert back to his original form again whenever he wants.

In the next few days, GosuGamers will rank the reworked Aghanim’s Shards for supports from Dota 2 patch 7.33.