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Wisdom Rune Dota 2
Dota 22 years ago

Wisdom Runes replace Tome of Knowledge: Where are they and why they are important

Dota 2 has changed drastically with the arrival of the New Frontiers 7.33 patch and 40% more map means new objectives. 

Wisdom Runes are just one of the new objectives and, as the name implies, they are super important.

First of all, the newly added Wisdom Runes replace the Tome of Knowledge, which prior to 7.33 could have been purchased from the shop.

Two Wisdom Runes spawn in the offlane near each base (Radiant/Dire) on the map edges. They are placed in such a way that each team should easily secure at least the rune on their side of the map. The Wisdom Runes begin to spawn at the 7-minute mark and every 7 minutes after.   

With the Tome of Tome of Knowledge gone, the Wisdom Runes are hugely important and should be treated as an objective. If the game situation doesn’t allow you to contest both of them, you should make sure that at least one of them is secured by your team, ideally by the hero that needs an experience boost the most.

Each rune grants 280 experience for each 7 minutes elapsed to the hero that grabs it. While the initial 280 exp might not sound like a bunch, the Wisdom Runes are actually thought of as an easy booster. Given the fact that their value increases with every spawn and that you also have a Watcher, which if it’s activated by your team, it gives you vision over the area. You can choose to pile those up and go for picking them later.

The 20-minute mark has a high chance of becoming a turnaround point in Dota 2.

Why is that you may ask.

Besides the fact that the third spawn of the Wisdom runes happens a minute later, at the 20-minute mark, in the same area, just behind the rune, a Tormentor will also spawn, and if killed it will grant an Aghanim's Shard buff to one of the two lowest networth allied heroes that still do not have the Shard when it dies. 

So, while you go for the 21-minute mark Wisdom Rune, think about who you are sending there or if you actually want to use a smoke a bit earlier and go contest the enemy rune and Tormentor.

Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota