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Valve announces release time for patch 7.31 along with prominent changes to Techies

Dota 2 patch 7.31 will arrive at 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time on the 23rd of February, and it will bring with it a rework to Techies.

It has been over six months since Dota 2 patch 7.30 was released. August 2021 seems like a very long time ago because it was a long time ago! But the long and winding road is about to come to an end, as Valve has announced that Dota 2 patch 7.31 will be released on Wednesday, the 23rd of February at 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST). Whenever a new patch is on the horizon, one of the most anxiety riddled things is the actual release time of the patch, and it helps to know exactly when it is supposed to go down.

But Valve have gone a step ahead of just announcing the day and time of patch 7.31 being released. They have also revealed that a community favorite hero will be undergoing rework. Well, not so much favorite as favorite to be banned.

That’s one major thing we know about Dota 2 patch 7.31. But what other changes can we expect? The first massive patch at the start of every year always brings that one change that revolutionizes the game. Two years ago, it was neutral items. Last year, it was Aghanim’s Shard. This year – who knows?! But this is what we can expect in general-

  • One massive change to gameplay
  • Many other prominent changes to gameplay
  • Changes in gold and experience formulas
  • Map changes
  • Hero changes
  • Changed and reworked Aghanim’s Scepters
  • Changed and reworked Aghanim’s Shards
  • Introduction of Marci in Captains Mode
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard upgrades for Marci

There will be a lot to unpack once the patch drops and GosuGamers will be here bringing you all the details on how patch 7.31 will affect the game after looking at it in detail.

The patch won’t be released at a sane hour every place in the world. Some locations will have the patch release at an ungodly hour, and might have to wait to wake up to see what the Dota 2 Gods have showered upon us. Here’s when you can expect Dota 2 patch 7.31 to drop based on where you are located.

Seattle: 23rd February, 12:00 pm
New York: 23rd February, 3:00 pm
London: 23rd February, 8:00 pm
Bucharest: 23rd February, 10:00 pm
Moscow: 23rd February, 11:00 pm
Delhi: 24th February, 1:30 am
Manila: 24th February, 4:00 am
Kuala Lumpur: 24th February, 4:00 am

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.