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5 years ago

Dota 2 TI10 Battle Pass Might Be Coming This Tuesday

The world is under lockdown and the Dota 2 community wonders about the future of TI. We however think that the Battle Pass is already on its way. 

Though this event seems to be a distant dream at this point since the Dota 2 Circuit has been set on hold due to pandemic, there's still some hope. We say this because of the recent announcement made by the Dota 2 Devs.

According to a recent post from Valve, the Collector’s Cache Call to Arms deadline has been extended.

Every year, Valve holds a competition for the Dota 2 Workshop creators, allowing them a chance to show off their skills and talent. They provide them with the opportunity to have their Dota 2 sets showcased in the game. The sets that are approved are made available for the community in the Battle Pass.

Collector's cache

So, what does this have to do with the upcoming Battle Pass?

Well, whenever the Collector’s Cache is announced, the Battle Pass is released a few days before its deadline. Last year, the deadline for the Workshop was May 12, the Battle Pass was released on the 7th of May. Similarly, in 2018, the Workshop’s deadline was May 13, the Battle Pass released on the 8th of May.

Furthermore, ever since the Collector’s Cache has been a thing, the Battle Pass has been releasing on a Tuesday. So, what can we make from this recent post from Valve? Well, we understand that the “Tuesday” before the deadline has already passed but previously, the world wasn’t being overrun by a pandemic.

So, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. We believe Valve is going to stick with its trend and release the TI10 Battle Pass on Tuesday, but the one after the end of the Collector’s Cache deadline. This means on May 5; we might be seeing the release of the Dota 2 TI10 Battle Pass.