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B8 down and out at WePlay! Mad Moon

Back-to-back losses knock B8 out of contention at WePlay! Mad Moon. 

The machine known as WePlay! Mad Moon continues to churn out the action and entertainment heading into the weekend. For B8, that now means watching the rest from the sidelines. 

 Danil "Dendi" Ishutin's new organization and team B8 are trying to find their footing for the remainder of the season, but continue to be tripped up along the way. After a brutal setback (read, unexpected loss of  Zaur "Cooman" Shakhmurzae who was poached by just days before the third DPC 2019-2020 season qualifiers two weeks ago) the team has had to readjust their entire mindset, strategy, and game-play. It isn't quite as easy as a feat as OG might have made it seem, it typically takes time for a rhythm, synergy, and trust to build. Unfortunately for B8, that happens at the expense of being knocked out early at events. 

The CIS team was unable to withstand the onslaught from Nigma esports. It was a clear case of European domination with Nigma closing out both games with ease in 25 minutes. Not yet eliminated, B8 were dropped to the lower brackets to face their regional contemporaries, Gambit.

Gambit hasn't been in their best form this season, but they haven't been in their worst either. The team has consistently carved out a space for themselves at DPC events with respectable results at the Minors and subpar placement at the Major. They were able to overpower B8 — the first match being somewhat easy, the second match they had to work hard to keep their focus. Another 2:0 sweep sent B8 packing and Gambit further along the lower brackets to compete another day. 

In other news, Nigma served Team Secret their first loss of the event. Their win (in just 19 minutes) reminded everyone they were the TI9 runners up and TI7 championship team. It pushed the series to a deciding third game, the first in the playoffs at WePlay! Mad Moon. The third game was an intense battle —hotly contested and thrilling— lasting 50 minutes. When the dust had settled, it was Team Secret who had taken the victory and advanced to the upper bracket finals. 

Two more teams will be sent home today, February 22nd as the action continues at 13:00 CET with the first elimination series. 

WePlay! Dota 2 Tug of War: Mad Moon Teams

Europe Team Secret (Direct Invite)
CIS Gambit (Direct Invite)
Europe Nigma esports (Direct Invite)
Russia (Direct Invite)
Europe NiP (Radiant Winner)
CIS B8 (Dire Asia Representative)
Peru Infamous (Dire America Winner)
Europe Aggressive Mode (Reshuffle Madness 2019 representative)

WePlay! Dota 2 Tug of War: Mad Moon Playoffs format:

  • Playoffs: - February 20th-23th
    • Double-elimination bracket
    • Grand Final is Bo5, all other matches are Bo3

WePlay! Dota 2 Tug of War: Mad Moon Prize Pool

$300,000 USD is spread among all of the teams. In addition, there will be prizes awarded to two additional players.

Place$ USDTeam
1st$130,000 TBD
2nd$60,000 TBD
3rd$30,000 TBD
4th$20,000 TBD
5th-6th$12,000 TBD
7th-8th$8,000 NiP


Award$ USDPlayerTeam
The Best Core$10,000 TBD TBD
The Best Support$10,000 TBD TBD


WePlay! Tug of War: Mad Moon

Eight teams will fight for a total prize pool of $300,000. The tournament will be hosted in the Concert Hall VDNG in Kyiv, Ukraine. The champions of Radiant, Dire Asia, Dire America and Reshuffle Madness 2019 are joined by four invited teams.

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2