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Dota 28 years ago

Top weekly Workshop submissions: Weaver, Underlord, and Clinkz into the spotlights

Due to the new patch update, an upload problem occurred and not all the artists managed to submit their sets. Thus, this  week only six sets were submitted for the waiting list. Vote for the ones you like and don't forget to add them to your favorites to find out easier if they were accepted or not.

The Dusk Crawler

Finally, a new Weaver set was submitted ! Even though it looks scary and dark on the loading screen, in game you can see it colorful and very well made. I talked with the artist that created this beauty to tell us more about it.

Valery ‘Crowntail’ Zhuravlev: I was making this set for about 3 months, I guess.I've changed many designs for the head.The general idea was to bring some mechanical details into this set, like I did with Sand King (Ironclad Mold), but not that much this time. I wanted to keep his insect nature of the hero, all his voice sounds describing him like a versatile killer, who stabs when you don't expect it. So not fully mechanical, the big accent was made to his abdomen.

I used the iridescent theme of the insects, whichI do like very much. Probably the biggest advantage for this set can be seen from a top to bottom perspective (in-game view). I was trying to find the right balance between artificial and nature in this set. So it's time to see what people will tell :)

Souls Tyrant

It is said that Nevermore, the Shadow Fiend has the soul of a poet, and in fact, he has thousands of them. Over the ages he has claimed the souls of poets, priests, emperors, beggars, slaves, philosophers, criminals and (naturally) heroes; no sort of soul escapes him. What he does with them is unknown but looking at this set you can make a few ideas.

If you really want to know where the stolen souls go, there's one sure way to find out: Add your soul to his collection.

Abyssal Crystal

Three different sets were submitted over the course of three weeks for Pitlord. How come he has so much attention? Katze, the creator of the set hopes to answer my question.

Katzeimsack: Why Underlord? When I first saw the hero I really liked him. I especially liked the crystal flesh interaction. That inspired me to push it a bit further. I wanted to create a look of a crystal infection growing out of his body. The crystals are tearing holes in his skin and his armor. He is mutating into something else. Underlord has a higher budget than most Dota heroes, this made it possible to add a lot on his armor slot. I really like how the set turned out. Thanks to the crystals he's interesting to look at from far away, but also has good details up close.

Endless Nightmare

Another unique set made by Katze was submitted soon after the Underllord one. He wrote some things about it too.

Night Stalker was a collaboration with Christian Schob (just like my alchemist set). He designed the character and I modeled it. We wanted to try something different with Night Stalker, not a cliché demon/vampire. That's why we went with a more medieval anti van Helsing touch, with leather and iron. We also wanted him to look a bit noble.

Red was the perfect fit because it was an expensive dye in medieval times. Only the rich once could afford it. Van Helsing has gadgets, so he needs something too. We gave him a turned cross and blood potions.

Deep Water Set

Deep Water -  A set of fun items found in the bottom of the sea!” is the note that the  workshop artist attached to his set.

Loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular, Tide stalks the shallows now in search of men or merchants who stray into his path, and with a particular loathing for Admiral Kunkka, who always  been his nemesis for reasons lost in the deepest trenches of the sea. With this set, he looks ready to catch even the most fearless enemies.

Offhand Crocodile is available in 2 versions, one is attached to the arm and one is dragged behind like the standard fish.

Lord Lieutenant Clinkz - Dragon Slayer

Designing something for Clinkz might be very difficult so I asked the designer to share his thoughts about his set.

Down_limit: I love the Victorian era. I drew inspiration out of this style. I enjoy Dishonored setting and the military uniform of medieval England. So, I decided to take a chance and use this concept to Clinkz. Perhaps the set is too saturated and vivid, but it is important for me that it conveys the conception.

When I drew the loading screen, I referenced on old poster of Star Wars. I Also, did the full illustration, but I'm not the best illustrator on the Workshop. However, I hope the community will love it and vote for it !