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Dota 210 years ago

TI5 Day 3: Secret ties LGD in the opening series of the day

The third day in TI5 group stage started with the confrontation between LGD Gaming and Team Secret for group A supremacy. 

Both teams drafted clearly themed line-ups going into the first game of the series. Team Secret built a very team fight oriented crew centered on Arteezy's Shadow Fiend while LGD went for heroes with lots of disables. The Tiny-Wisp combo backed by Earthshaker and Disruptor bullied Team Secret with impunity throughout the early game and established what seemed to be a game winning lead for LGD. Team Secret disagreed and managed somehow to find the right amount of pick-offs to put them back into the game. It all went downhill for LGD when defending their mid tier two tower they flustered and threw all their disables on the Shadow Fiend making it too easy for Witch Doctor to demolish them with his ultimate. S4 is one of the few Queen of Pain players who prioritize Scythe of Vyse over any other core item and that played a decisive role for the outcome of the first game as he managed to isolate Sylar's Gyro one last time  and without buybacks on their cores, LGD called the "gg wp".

Leshrac proved to be the key pick for LGD going into the second game. Nobody can doubt S4's skill in the mid lane with Queen of Pain but even so, he just couldn't cope with the "blue dude" played by Maybe and the early game was swiftly won by LGD. The Chinese kept pressuring for map control and got a lot of pick-offs in the process forcing Team Secret to take refuge in their own base. Almost 30 minutes into the game and Arteezy's Gyro was still lacking the BKB which tells the story of how clearly LGD dictated the pace of the game.

One final push coordinated by Xiao8 and Team Secret tapped out. The draw from this series actually extends in the Group A standings where both teams are still tied with 11 points each.

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Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota