24 hours after the release of The International 5 Compendium, the community has managed to contribute an impressive $1,927,102 to the prize pool of the tournament, almost double of what was raised in the first 24 hours of last year's release. The prize pool at the end of day one stands at $3,527,102.
At the time of writing, the prize pool is currently at $4,084,422, a whopping $2,484,422 increase from the original prize pool provided by Valve. Last year, it took the community four days to raise the prize pool to the same amount as what we have right now.
From the way it is looking, it seems like Valve's aim to raise a $15,000,000 prize pool for TI5 might be very achievable after all.
Here are the goal rewards unlocked at the time of writing:
Editor's note: Have you bought a Compendium and how many points did you purchase? Screenshot us your Compendium in the comments section.
Source: Prizetracker.kr
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