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Dota 210 years ago

Valve releases New Bloom comic, confirms both CM Arcana and Winter Wyvern

Much like the 'Nemesis Assassin' event, Valve decided to promote New Bloom 2015 with another short comic. This story is titled 'New Neighbors' and it confirms both the release of Winter Wyvern and a new Crystal Maiden arcana.

The preparations for the upcoming New Bloom event continue, and Valve decided to release some more information about the next massive update that is scheduled to launch later this month. After Monday's trailer, a new short comic has been added to the New Bloom page, teasing us about the new content that is coming to Dota2.

The comic has the title 'New Neighbors', and much like the trailer, it features Crystal Maiden with a new and loonier style. She serves as the warden of the village that has been attacked by a flying beast. Rylai decides to pay a visit to the beast, which turns out to be Auroth the Winter Wyvern. While both sides are ready for a brawl, the intervention of Auroth's servant saves the day. Auroth agrees to compensate the villagers for the cattle she ate, and even offers her most powerful artifact, a shiny cape, to Rylai.

Reading 'New Neighbors', it is easy to realize that both Winter Wyvern and a new Arcana for Crystal Maiden will be added in the next few days, along with a Year Beast-related mode. You can find the comic on Dota2's official website here.

Andreas "drouks" StThere's really not much to say about Andreas 'drouks' Stavridakis, except that he sleeps two hours a day, plays the guitar and survives solely on Diet Coke. He also writes about DotA sometimes.