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Nexon group stage finished, playoffs starting

The last group stage day of Nexon Sponsorship League is over and all groups are now settled and the group winners come as no surprise; FXO, MVP, Underrated and StarTale.

Quick recap

StarTale vs VirtualThrone (draft information)

VirtualThrone played a core Warlock who managed to get his hands on a very quick Refresher (16 minutes). However, VirtualThrone picked poor times to fight and some unimpressive micro of both the Rocks and the Bear made the fights easier for StarTale. However, once Warlock got his Aghanim the fights proved very tough for StarTale. They played around it though, split-pushed and forced fights. Eventually, it came down to a questionable decision by VT to use cast their Golems on StarTale's racks in a base race. With both Ultis on cooldown, StarTale could easily beat them while still pushing the throne themselves. The game concluded Group B where StarTale takes first place and VT second.

Eye of Tiger vs Sym4ny (draft information)

Eye of Tiger got an early grip of the game, winning the laning phase by towers, creeps and kills. Troll went down too many times due to the rotations of EoT. Sym4ny kept playing hesitant and without any plan in mind, which was easy to read by EoT who punished them multiple times. The lack of disables of Sym4ny also gave them lots of issues when trying to find a kill. The game was won with ease by EoT, granting them a spot in the playoffs.

FastGG vs MVP (draft information)

FastGG indeed went for the incredibly fast "GG", in fact they did not show up at the Arena at all. MVP were awarded a default win, thus winning Group B with Eye of Tiger as runner-up.



The top two of each group move on to the best-of-three quarter finals, starting October 22. The winners of the quarters move on to the Double Elimination playoff grid.

Headline photo source:


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Linus "Tjernobylbarnet" Staaf<p>Linus Staaf - former operations manager at GosuGamers.&nbsp;Started following eSports in 2009, responsible for the GGnet database 2009-2015. Film and music enthusiast and a firm believer that longer songs are better. Always finish&nbsp;what I sta - follow @Tjernobylbarnet</p>