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Dota 23 weeks ago

FISSURE Universe Episode 3: Post event analysis of the Dota 2 meta

After the end of the final prominent Dota 2 tournament before TI13, we take a look at the hero stats to see what we can expect in Copenhagen.

The International 2024 (TI13) is less than 10 days away. Dota 2 patch 7.37 was released a few weeks ago, and just before FISSURE Universe Episode 3 started, balance patch 7.37b braced the game. FISSURE Universe Episode 3 was the last Dota 2 tournament before the start of TI13 that featured some of the best teams fighting for the Aegis in Copenhagen. 

Team Falcons got back to winning ways as they defeated Team Spirit 3-0 in the grand final of FISSURE Universe Episode 3. That will serve as a major confidence boost for the MENA team, who have been the most dominant team this season. However, The International is a completely different beast, and no one can predict what will happen at the most prestigious Dota 2 tournament of the year. As we head there, let’s take a look at some of the hero statistics from FISSURE Universe Episode 3 to get an idea of what we can expect at TI13.

A total of 70 games were played throughout the tournament, which includes the play-in games as well. The heroes picked showed that teams had digested all the changes from Dota 2 patch 7.37, and were testing out a few things based on the changes from balance patch 7.37b. All data has been taken from datDota.

Most Picked Heroes from FISSURE Universe Episode 3

The list below shows the 15 most picked heroes from the tournament. While some of the heroes are the same ones that made the list in the previous patch, there are more than a few new names. 

Mirana has become the most popular hero after the recent buff to her Solar Flare facet. She is now being picked as either a core or support, but her win rate suggests teams haven’t yet found the best way to play her. The Priestess of the Moon is one hero we will be seeing a lot of at TI13.

Other new entrants include Shadow Demon, Sniper who is mostly used as a support, Nature’s Prophet who has gained popularity as a mid and carry with his Ironwood Treant facet and Naga Siren who is back in a support role with her Deluge facet. The facets were introduced to increase hero versatility, and that is exactly what they are doing. Also, it is refreshing to see the absence of Ember Spirit and Pangolier amongst the most picked heroes, although in the case of Pangolier, it is because he was banned in a lot of games.


Most Contested Heroes from FISSURE Universe Episode 3

The most contested list sheds light on which heroes are on the minds of the teams during drafting, and that includes heroes which are banned most of the games as well. Top of the list is Tinker, who was contested in 67 out of the 70 games with a staggering 63 bans! GosuGamers did a piece on how support Tinker has become a menace in pubs, and even after the nerfs in patch 7.37b, professional teams think he is still a menace.

Another notable hero to be banned in an insane number of games is Lina, who is being picked as a mid as well as a carry. It is reminiscent of her dominance during the Lima Major, which fondly got called the Lina Major due to her high contest rate. 

But the standout heroes in this list with win rates over 60% are Shadow Demon, Omniknight, Windranger and Monkey King. All these heroes either got strong facets or were buffed recently, with Omniknight’s heal potential going through the roof. Dota 2 patch 7.37 has definitely stirred the meta quite well from the perspective of hero popularity.

The heroes displayed in FISSURE Universe Episode 3 aren’t the only ones that will dominate the games at TI13. For one, we didn’t get to see all the top teams play on the latest Dota 2 patch. Also, there are bound to be more strategies that come up from now until the start of TI13. But the one thing that can be taken from the final tournament before TI13 is that there has been a significant shakeup in heroes. A lot of the heroes we were seeing throughout Dota 2 patch 7.36 have been replaced with new ones with the improved facets and innate abilities, which promises to make the fight for the Aegis an intriguing one. On a parting note, here are the heroes with the highest win rates (picked in at least 10 games) from FISSURE Universe Episode 3.

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Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.
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