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Dota 25 months ago

13 unique facets Dota 2 patch 7.36 has brought with it

Of all the new facets Dota 2 patch 7.36 has brought with it, we take a look at the 13 most unique ones to brace the game.

Every major Dota 2 patch has something out of the box to offer in terms of changes to heroes. Dota 2 patch 7.36 brought with it Innate Abilities and Facets, which was exciting to begin with. But some facets are extremely unique, in the sense they aren’t the typical ‘increase damage’ or ‘reduce cooldown’ kind of things. They offer a completely unique way to play the hero, and possibly have a mechanism not often or at all seen in Dota 2.

In the last few days, we took a look the core and support heroes to have the best facets in the game, as well as the heroes with the best innate abilities. Here, we take a look at the 13 most unique facets that were introduced to the game in Dota 2 patch 7.36.


‘Seed Money’ may seem like a simple facet, but there is a lot that is baked into it. It is 250 extra starting gold for Alchemist along with the 80 extra gold Greevil’s Greed assuming both teams split the Bounty Runes at the start of the game. With this facet, Alch is basically trading any benefits later on in the game to get 330 gold at the start of the game. But that 330 gold can go towards a really quick Bracer or a Bottle for a mid Alchemist, which can secure his lane and propel him to an early Radiance. And depending on how quickly he gets that Radiance determines how the rest of the game goes. But the difficult decision that makes this a unique facet is to get just that additional 250 gold at the start of the game.


Quills being shot out of the back of a hero seems reasonable, based on a resemblance to a porcupine. But Nasal Goo from the back? Seems like a bit of a biological anomaly. But that anomaly, while at first can seem like nerf, can be pretty devastating when playing Bristleback from the offlane role with two other physical damage dealers in the team. It is a bit like his old Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade, and it makes it difficult to chase the hero.


‘Slugger’ makes Earthshaker look like a Cricket or Baseball player, and it is a lot of fun sending creeps and the occasional hero flying after killing them. But in terms of use? Not the best facet. According to Dotabuff, it is the lower picked of the two facets and also has a lower win rate. But hey, we’re looking at unique facets, and this one hits it out of the park, Just like Earthshaker with ‘Slugger’!

Faceless Void

Time Zone is tailor made for Faceless Void players who keep catching their allies in Chronosphere! Time Zone is good while playing with a lineup that doesn’t have a lot of damage to deal from outside the Chronoshpere, or if the opposition has a hero like Lina or Sniper who can cause problems for Void while he is inside the Chrono. Now right clickers from outside will have their attacks reach Void at a crawling speed, and as long as he can survive when they all hit, he can Time Walk the damage off. Additionally, all allies have increased movement speed and attack speed inside Time Zone, so picking other melee cores is now an option while having Faceless Void as the carry. This can also make Faceless Void a potential support.


Huskar has always been a damage dealer, but Nothl Transfusion gives him the potential to become a healer! The amount of damage Life Break deals doesn’t differ whether Huskar is a core or support, and if playing against a tanky lineup, this facet can be used on heroes with a lot of HP to bring them down and keep your allies healthy. Is the best way to play the hero? Probably not. But does it seem fun? Absolutely!


The word for this facet – more than unique – is insane! This is an absolute meme facet, but one with which you can have a lot of fun. That is exactly what Dotown did, and their video is probably the best explanation for this facet. Who would have thought we would have Lion be a melee right clicker someday in Dota 2?


Blood Sport is one of the most brilliantly designed facets. It takes out the potential for saves away for anyone caught in the Arena of Blood. Heroes outside the arena don’t have vision of allies inside, and vice versa. Anything like False Promise, Shallow Grave or even Nether Swap is out of question, as you don’t even see the portrait of allies on the other side of the arena walls. The only way to save in ally is to jump in, and in most cases, you don’t want to do that, do you?

Night Stalker

Night Stalker’s major issue has always been the laning stage. He needs to skill Hunter in the Night, but those skill points don’t do anything in the lane. With ‘Night Reign’, that equation completely flips. And as he gets out of the lane, he will have his ultimate Dark Ascension to continue the nighttime terrorizing. It impacts the laning stage in general, because most heroes have a day time vision of 1800 and night time vision of 800. With the gaming starting at nighttime, heroes are more susceptible to ganks, especially in the mid lane.

Ogre Magi

‘Learning Curve’ is a bit like Alchemist’s ‘Seed Money’ facet, but it continues to have benefits a bit further ahead in the game rather than just the first few minutes. You can have level 1 Fireblast and level 2 Ignite in lane when you hit hero level 2, which is extremely strong. Similarly, having level 2 Fireblast and level 3 Ignite at hero level 4 is another major power spike. This can be a lane winning facet. While the benefits still persist later on in the game, they taper off as the game goes on.

Sand King

The initial thought might have been that Sand King was nerfed in Dota 2 patch 7.36 because Sand Storm no longer provides invisibility by default, and it has to be obtained through a facet. But the other facet, ‘Dust Devil’, more than makes up for it. If you chose this facet, Sand Storm will follow Crixallis everywhere, even if he blinks, and more importantly, will be back centered around him when he uses Burrowstrike. This ensures a full duration Sand Storm every time the hero uses it. The only way Sand Storm stops is if Sand King teleports.

Shadow Shaman

‘Cluster Cluck’. What a name! The application of the facet is just as funny as the name, and adds a layer to Shadow Shaman in making him a saving support. The facet causes Hex used on allies to create utter chaos, making the scene look like someone left the door to a hen house open.


‘Plague Carrier’ is another one of the fun for pubs kind of facets. With the cooldown of the level 4 Plague Ward, Venomancer can have 7 Plague Wards at a time on a hero (9 Plague Wards with the level 15 talent). That is an additional 266 damage! Put it on a Spectre as she Shadow Steps on an unsuspecting target to obliterate it, or on Axe as a blinks into the enemy to Berserker’s Call multiple heroes! It’s great for tower push as well, and unless you click on the hero to whom the Plague Wards are attached, you have no idea of knowing how many there are and how much additional damage the hero can do.


Never before did Warlock have a reason to get a Heart of Tarrasque, but ‘Champion of Gorroth’ gives him a reason get multiple ones! It is the most Chaotic Offering Warlock has had to offer, pun intended!


A lot of these facets, as mentioned a few times above, probably won’t see the light of day in professional games. However, Dota 2 pubs are meant for having fun with friends and at those times, these unique facets are the ones to go to!

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.

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