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TI10 qualifiers team and hero statistics

With the qualifiers for TI10 done and dusted and all 18 teams decided, we take a look at the team and hero statistics for all six regions for the qualifiers.

All data has been taken from datDota.

The qualifiers for TI10 have concluded and we have the 18 teams that will be travelling to Bucharest to battle it out in the biggest Dota 2 event of the year. The top 12 teams from the DPC system got direct invites, while the final six had to do it the hard way. The teams that made it through the qualifiers were:

Eastern Europe: Team Spirit
South America: SG E-sports
Southeast Asia: Fnatic
North America: Undying
China: Elephant
Western Europe: OG

A total of 291 games were played across all six regions for the TI10 qualifiers. Let’s take a look at the team and hero statistics for all games.


Team Statistics for the TI10 Qualifiers

For the team statistics, the winner and runner-up from every region have been chosen.



Hero Statistics for the TI10 Qualifiers

Total games played: 291
Total heroes picked: 110
Number of heroes unpicked or unbanned: 7
Most picked hero: Lion (125 games, 61 wins, 48.80% win rate)
Most contested hero: Nyx Assassin (232 games, either picked or banned in 79.73% of the games with 86 picks and 146 bans)
Most banned hero: Broodmother (128 games)
Hero with the highest win rate (20 games or more): Invoker (56 games, 37 wins, 66.07% win rate)
Hero with lowest win rate (20 games or more): Void Spirit (28 games, 7 wins, 25% win rate)


With three months to go for TI10, the dropping of Dota 2 patch 7.30 is imminent. However, what the qualifiers have shown is the current patch is quite versatile as there were more than a few new heroes making an appearance, different ones for different regions. The cherry on top of the cake was OG turning to position 5 Naga Siren and mid Pangolier to earn them a chance to defend their Aegis; but that is what OG are well known for – breaking the meta.

The star of the show was probably Hoodwink, who was the second most picked hero (118 games) with a win rate of 53.39%. The latest hero to be introduced to Captains Mode, Hoodwink didn’t see too much use in the DPC Leagues, but with a few small buffs, ramped up from the AniMajor, to ESL One Summer, to finally the TI10 qualifiers.

The three month hiatus after TI qualifiers is something unprecedented. Typically, the air is charged with anticipation for The International after the qualifiers end, but this year, it is bound to fizzle out a bit. Hopefully once the patch arrives, with it will come the announcements of third party tournaments from now to The International. One can only hope!

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.