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Dota 29 years ago

The TI6 Experience: Cosplay

Day 3 of The International 6 was an exciting one, and not just for the fantastic Dota. Dozens of cosplayers came out to Key Arena to show off their hard work and compete for their place in the finals on Thursday. I was lucky enough to get some pictures and explore the world of cosplay with these great people.

It was 16h30 and I headed outside to meet up with some of the women of the Dota community. Being a female player, I know how tough it can be to find a place in a male-dominated game and it was nice to meet other women who had felt the same frustrations. I hope that one day we will have an equal space for both men and women in Dota.

By chance, the cosplayer community was meeting up at the same time. This is my first TI and I was blown away by the skill and hard work of these people. I chatted to @TheKittyPlays about her Roshan cosplay, one of my personal favourites.She told me that she chose Rosh to do something different that she hadn’t seen done before.

I spoke to the lovely @nwestbrook, a Slark cosplayer who mentioned that it had taken her over 100 hours to do her cosplay and that she had been working on it since last October.

I ran into @goddesslara who was doing her first cosplay as Sniper. Hopefully we'll see more from her in the future.

I loved @SonyaTheEvil as Shadow Fiend, a great interpretation of the hero. Her experience and passion shines through with all the fantastic detail in the cosplay.

Overall, it was a glimpse into a beautiful world of creativity and dedication. Good luck to all the cosplayers for the finals!

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