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Dota 29 years ago

Dendi Interview "I want not only to participate to the next Major or TI but actually to win"

We’ve mainly discussed Na’Vi’s plans for the upcoming competitive season, but we also went a little bit back in time and tried to figure out what was with his organization's announcement regarding the disband of the Dota 2 squad and what were his plans back then.

The current roster of Na’Vi features two TI champions and three new members, Dendi and Artstyle do share a fair amount of history together but how are they training now with the new players? How do they find the chemistry of the team? What are the main things that have to be improved for them in order to regain the glory that they once had?

Is Puppy irreplaceable, or better said is there something that Dendi misses from the times he played with the “CLEMENTINATOR” captain? All these are questions that everyone has in mind when the two players meet at LAN events and they are not afraid to show us that there is a strong bond between them regardless of the competitive aspect of the game.

We also took the chance to bluntly ask Dendi if Na’Vi is back. What is his answer? Find out in the video below:


Editor’s note: Right after DotaPit Season 4 LAN Na’Vi went to China to bootcamp and to practice with the new Chinese teams that are getting created now, with the Spring Reshuffle. Yesterday, March 23, Na’Vi has also played a show match with the new EHOME lineup in a LAN set-up and won it. You can find pictures and updates from their experience in China on the Na’Vi official website.

Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota