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Dota 29 years ago

Shanghai Major preview: complexity Gaming

After their TI 5 run, CompLexity struggled to achieve any relevance in the Dota 2 scene. Constantly bringing in stand-ins for their official games after David "Moonmeander" Tan and Tail "Fly" Aizik left the boat, an imminent disband was what most of us would have expected to happen.

Despite public opinion that the team would disband, they held strong and completed their roster with two new NA players, Peter 'Waytosexy' Nguyen and Michael 'MJW' Nguyen. Unfortunately, the team had a poor performance in the NA qualifiers for the Frankfurt Major and quickly broke apart. During the Frankfurt Major transfer period, coL - once again - managed to complete their roster, picking up three players from the recently disbanded NiP. The players were Rasmus 'Chessie' Blomdin, Linus 'Limmp' Blomdin and Simon 'Handsken' Haag and to this day, the roster remains unchanged.

Source: MDL

Complexity Roster:

Sweden Rasmus "Chessie" Blomdin
Sweden Linus "Limmp" Blomdin
United States Kyle "swindlemelonzz" Freedman
United States Zakari "Zfreek" Freedman
Sweden Simon "Handsken" Haag

Complexity achievements after Frankfurt Mayor:

7-12th place:  SL I-league StarSeries
5-8th place: Global Esports cup
Qualify for: Dota Pit League Season 4
5-8th place: MarsTV Dota2 league 2015
1st place: Canada Cup 6

With the two pairs of brothers Chessie/Limmp and Swindlemelonzz/Zfreek the team coordination could not be better. coL’s loose play style surprised the North America scene, switching from four protect one to a ferocious team that likes to start the five man Dota from the mid game stage, constantly forcing their enemies to early big team fights.

CompLexity’s cornerstone is the duo formed by the Blomdin brothers who are capable of switching roles between them and that makes their drafts hard to read from a first pick. Sometimes Limmp can run a mid lane Lina to create all the space his brother needs to farm and sometimes things can go quite the opposite way, with Chessie playing a super aggressive Invoker to secure team’s early lead.

Top hero picks in the 6.86 patch


Invoker: win rate: 64.3%

Lone Druid: win rate:50 %

Gyrocopter: win rate: 57.1%

player's stats collected from



Gyrocopter: win rate: 72.7%

Tiny: win rate:83.3%

Lina: win rate:50%



Beastmaster: win rate:77.8%

Dark seer: win rate:57.1%

Enchantress: win rate:33.3%



Tusk: win rate:66.7%

Spirit Breaker: win rate:75%

Dazzle: win rate:   50%



Bane: win rate:77.8%

Chen: win rate:66.7%

Io: win rate:100%

A few days ago, at the Canada Cup #6 grand finals, compLexity displayed exactly this type of early aggressiveness with a Lone Druid - bear buffed by Legion Commander while the game three draft might have been a pocket strategy practice for Shanghai

They might not go to the Winter Major as favorites, but their entire fighting arsenal is fresh and they have a huge chance to deliver upsets. Maybe it is hard to look at compLexity Gaming as top 3 in Shanghai but it will not be be a surprise to see them finishing in the top eight. 

Editor's note: A few spelling and factual mistakes regarding Complexity's Frankfurt Major roster and Zfreek's name were rectified.