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16 years ago

DotA Allstars v6.63b released

Many changes means things to be fixed; after a map is released, all players become testers and hidden bugs shows up. Without wasting time, IceFrog has fixed some of them.

Today the second version of the DotA Allstars map 6.63 was released to the public. With a small changelog, we can assume that either IceFrog couldn't fix all bugs reported or the map is really well coded and only rare bugs would be noticed. We believe on the second option.

DotA Allstars v6.63b changelog

* Fixed an exploit possible with Puck
* Armlet recipe now changed to include Quarterstaff instead of Blades of Attack (bonuses and total price unaffected)
* Fixed Wrath of Nature from targeting couriers
* Fixed a bug with Spirit Bear's entangle and overgrowth
* Fixed Heart icon on the endgame scoreboard
* Undid a couple of the fun names recently added
* Fixed a rare abuse that could cause other users performance to drop

If you didn't read our previous articles about the release of v6.63 map and what the professional players think about it, just take a look at both links below.

--> DotA Allstars 6.63 released
--> The Pro's opinion about 6.63

To download the new v6.63b map, you know where to go. Just visit and download the map from one of the mirrors.

Links - DotA Allstars download
GosuGamers - DotA 6.63 released
GosuGamers - The Pro's opinion about 6.63