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CS210 years ago

The Weekly Flashback: Boostgate

This week we continue on with Olofmeister's history on de_overpass with perhaps the most controversial moment ever in CS:GO.

Last week, we returned to Dreamhack Cologne to look back Olof "Olofmeister" Kajbjer's incredible ninja defuse against Dignitas during their semifinals match on de_overpass. This time, we'll look at Olofmeister's most recent play on the map: the infamous "Olofboost".

Fnatic had once again found themselves in a tight spot in the playoffs, this time in the quarterfinals of Dreamhack Winter 2014 against Team LDLC, considered at the time one of the top teams in the world. The map was Overpass, the third map in the series, and after the first half LDLC was poised to take the series, shutting their Swedish opponents out of the first half 12:3.

Fnatic's fate seemed sealed with the opening of the second half, where LDLC handily took the pistol round on their T side, bringing the score to a dismal 13:3. Fnatic seemed to resign to the eco in the next round, only buying a handful of pistols and a single scout for olofmeister.

Video edited by Fraakarts.

This scout would prove to be one of the most important buys he would make through the whole series. olofmeister and his two teammates headed to the truck on A site, where, through a series of elaborate boosts and pixelwalks, Fnatic managed to boost Kajbjer up into a ledge where unbeknownst to the rest of the community previously, he could see across almost the entirety of the map.

The view from olofmeister's perspective on the boost on de_overpass.

LDLC, blissfully unaware of the danger that awaited them, stormed into sewers to take B site. Olof, from his perch high above the map, carefully lined up the Frenchman one by one, dispatching them with clean headshots. The crowd watching LDLC crumble roared in delight, as Fnatic easily cleaned up the rest of their opponents with pistols.

The effectiveness of the position did not end witht that first round. Fnatic continued to abuse the position the rest of the match, shutting down Team LDLC everywhere they went. Things only got worse for the opposing side after olofmeister managed to get an auto sniper, which allowed him to kill enemies even faster. LDLC didn't manage to win a single round after that fateful round, and were unable to locate where their killer was firing from until the last few rounds of the match, at which point it was too late to help their disposition.

Fnatic won the the final map, and therefore the series. But LDLC retailiated, requesting that the boost's leagility be reviewed by the tournament admins. Finally, after hours of deliberation, the admin comittee decided that the boost that Fnatic used to beat LDLC violated the rules of the event, and the final map was to be replayed. However, Fnatic declined the rematch, and forfeitted their victory to the French side, allowing them to advance.

Here is a full map between Fnatic and Team LDLC:

You can also find a demo file and the other information about this game on the match page link.

The previous edition of "The Weekly Flashback":
- VP vs LDLC and KQLY
Olofmeister the Guardian Angel

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