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WoW19 years ago

More Burning Crusade Talent trees and Skills leaked?


Curse-Gaming has released over the past few days some images of reportedly, the new talent trees and some skills coming the Burning Crusade expansion. While the validity is unceratin of the screenshots at this point, they are definetly fun to check out.

Released today were the warrior talents and skills that are upcoming. Some of the more interesting ones are the ability to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand, with the downside being a 20% reduction in damage. Most interesting to me is the Windwalk skill which was used in the RTS series of WarCraft. It will interesting to see how much name calling of warriors being "rogues in plate" will happen now.

The best thing to do though is to go check it out yourself! The link is below to all the images and text. Enjoy!

Curse-Gaming - Source