All News
WoW19 years ago

Tons of Updates!


Blizzard has certainly been busy lately, adding news, videos, and feature after feature on their website! With the opening of the new 1.10 public test realms and with that, the release of several new contests to get YOU into the beat test for the upcoming expansion, The Burning Crusade, Blizzard certainly is keeping busy!

Video Trailer - Ahn'Qiraj: Released today was a gameplay trainer for the new 20 and 40 man instance in Silthilus. This trailer shows off the opening of the gates and Horde and Alliance alike allying together to fight against the sithilid.


Guild Relations Program: Also new is a guild relations program to further connect Blizzard and guilds. From the description of the site "This program is designed to strengthen player interaction within guilds and increase the level at which guilds are able to communicate with each other. The Guild Relations program will also serve as an excellent opportunity for players to promote their guilds and discuss items important to guild structure, such as guild management, systems, politics, and strategies." Also there are some benefits if your guild becomes recognized by this program! The guild will be able to participate in upcoming Q&A sessions with Blizzard and participate in future beta tests! Definetly a cool feature!


Public Test Realms Contests: For those who REALLY want to get into the Burning Crusade Beta, and have a LOT of time on their hands, Blizzard has a treat for you! There are three seperate contests going on, one involving PvP and the other two involving PvE.

The first one is to see who can get to level 50 the quickest. Do you know all the shortcuts? Can you make it so you have absolutly no down time as a warrior? Which class will be the quickest and most efficent to get to 50? If you think you can do it, tell us your story! Send us a picture when you hit level 50 with your /played and we'll do a story about YOUR World of WarCraft experience!

The second is to see who can have the most level 25 alts. Do you get bored easily, but play WoW all the time? This is the contest for you! The third and final contest takes place on a special server where the level cap is set at 19. The goal though is to see who can get the most amount of honor before the beta test ends. You have to think there will be pretty much non stop Warsong Gulch matches going on!


So get to cracking on the new test servers and email us your stories about how the contest goes and maybe we can feature YOU on this very website!

Blizzard Entertainment - Source