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General18 years ago

Interview with World Elite player Shocker


At Man1a Gaming, a nice interview conducted by "Style" and "wicked" with WE.Just.Shocker on September 1st.

The interview covers alot of ground, from Bulgaria Shocker's merging with China World Elite, the outcome of the GamesConvention matches, and some insight on upcoming events.
The interview started with asking Shocker about joining the European Division at World Elite. Shocker says that he is happy about the merging and looks foward to playing with his new teamates. He hopes that there will be a higher level of play when in training sessions now.

The interviewees also brought up WE.Pheer and his recent departure from World Elite. Shocker explains that there isn't any bad blood between them anymore and he wishes Pheer the best of luck in the future.

Also a comment about the 2vs2 team at GC was made by the interviewers. Shocker responds that the 2v2 team did not lose a single match in the qualification matches and [DIDI and Jack] were the best players to participate.

The interview is available in both Bulgarian and English. Choose by pressing the flags in the upper right corner.

Man1a Gaming - Main Source