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General19 years ago

TmG parts with HomeRunBall


One of Trademark-Gamers.wc3's star players from Korea - HomeRunBall, has been removed from the team. Reason is that he does not fit the clan's future goals and expectations. His mistake of having another clan tag in a tournament also played a big part of the removal.

homerunball.jpgIt is now clear that the Korean Human player HomeRunBall (picture) is to part with his long-time clan Trademark-Gamers, a team mixed with Americans and Koreans, sprinkeled with a mighty Russian player. Trademark-Gamers were quite recently removed from WC3L Season 9 qualifiers, due to too many penalty points (read more » here). The action that made the cup run over was in fact HomeRunBall using another clan tag (Lof) in an online prize tournament. So as Charlie, director of TmG, writes in the official newspost that this "unwittingly led to the demise of TmG in WC3L Season IX Qualifiers."

TmG.wc3 lineup

Russia Caravaggio
United States Darius
Korea MiSS
Korea PunKy
Korea SeleCT
Korea WinNers

Trying to remove their mercenary team image

Even though HomeRunBall is one of the most talented and the player who achieved the most this year (Top 32 WCG and inCup) and one of their most important players in clanwars, HomeRunBall does not fit in the team's future goals and expectations. What this means, Charlie writes that they want to remove the "mercenary team" image they have obtained. "Trademark Gamers is looking to increase communication between players and management" writes Charlie. "Although we believe HomeRunBall is one of our best, his best place is not with us."

Has found a new team already

In the official newspost, it says that HomeRunBall has already found himself a new team to play in. However, he will not leave Trademark-Gamers until January 1st, 2006. Charlie also reveals that the team will get some "much anticipated" add-ons to their now 5-man lineup.

Links - Official newspost - Source