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Masters 2023 tokyo

VALORANT Champion Tours 2023 sole Masters event announced

For the first time, a Masters event will be held in Asia - Tokyo, Japan specifically.

After the announcement of the kick-off tournament in Sao Paolo scheduled for February next year, fans have been waiting in anticipation of the next major event announcement for VCT 2023. Riot Games has just announced that the first Masters, and the second international event for VCT 2023, will be held in Tokyo, Japan.  

As one of the fastest-growing countries for VALORANT, Japan has seen leaps and bounds in player and community growth in the past 12 months. The team is currently hard at work to create a new Masters experience to thrill everyone, and Riot Games at this point are keeping the cards close to themselves for now.

The second international event for VCT 2023 will be held in June and will follow the conclusion of the inaugural International League splits. According to Riot Games, there will only be one Masters for 2023 as teams familiarise themselves with the new franchise and league system.

Masters will feature the top ten teams from each of the three leagues, allotting an additional slot to the region that wins the LOCK//IN event in Brazil. It will also be a critical opportunity that will allow top-performing teams to cement their qualification into Champions.

The winning teams of the Masters hosted in Tokyo will be guaranteed a seat in the Valorant Champions. After Masters, teams will have one last shot to qualify into Champions via the Last Chance Qualifiers which will take place in the summer of 2023.

Fans will need to follow the official social media channels of VALORANT to get more info on Masters Tokyo 2023. 

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu