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XSET shuffle

VALORANT Shuffles: XSET let go of their entire roster

The team was not part of the partner teams list, thus both the team and the roster will be exploring new options.

As we near the start of the fourth quarter of 2022, more teams are making moves in response to the 30 partner teams’ announcements.  The latest one making the news is XSET, as they have just announced that they are releasing their entire roster, along with the support members of the team.

The announcement says that the team will be releasing Zachary “zekken” Patrone and Brendan “BcJ” Jensen from their contracts. Meanwhile, Matthew “Cryocells” Panganiban was recently transferred to 100 Thieves for next year and Jordan “AYRIN” He and Rory “dephh” Jackson are currently unrestricted free agents.

After announcing the player release, XSET did not share any 2023 plans. It is not clear if the team will be playing in the Ascension tournaments or leaving VALORANT altogether.

XSET, as a team did well in 2022, with the team, managing to qualify for Champions and also placing fifth-sixth in the overall tournament. 

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu