Here are the competition rules and information as stated on
Dates: We are accepting entries from May 27th to June 15th (Midnight GMT) and will accept no entries past the stated deadline.
* You must be a registered member of
* The commentary of every videocast you submit MUST start with naming yourself and
(For example: "Hello I am Member123, and this is my entry for the Videocast Competition")
* Videocasts must be of a multiplayer Starcraft/Starcraft:BroodWar match, not AI skirmishes or comp stomps.
* We are looking for informative, appealing, and funny vidcasts made with competitive play in mind.
* You can upload as many videocasts as you want.
* Created videocasts should be posted in the Starcraft & Starcraft 2 VOD forum.
* From all the posted VODs, the three finalists will be selected by a panel of anonymous staff members.
* You must be willing to supply either or Blizzard Entertainment your shipping address in the event you win. This is so that you can receive prizes. If you are ineligible or unable to receive prizes, or we can't contact you, your prize will be given to the next eligible winner.
* GameReplays reserves the right to change the rules as we see fit.
* If you don't know how to record a Videocast please take a look at our VOD guide.
And don't worry, casters like Tasteless no doubt already have tickets so there will be no competition from professionals. ;)
Links to's Videocast Competition and more information below.
Links - Rules and Information - Registration link