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18 years ago

BlizzCon: StarCraft Tournament


In the midst of all the news about StarCraft 2, some of the other features of BlizzCon could be overlooked. The StarCraft Tournament has had most of its matches played and the Koreans are dominating.

As Blizzcon progresses, so does the tournaments. The StarCraft: Brood War tournament between the six Korean players and two Foreign players rage on in the double bracket elmination setup. Firstly, before we get down to business about the StarCraft: Brood War tournament at Blizzcon - GosuGamers' would like to note that more pictures that have been added to the Blizzcon 2007 photo album. Click here to view them.

Now, on with our tournament - it was favored that the foreigners would stand no chance against the Korean pro-gamers. That was undoubtedly proven to be true once again, in today's Blizzcon's 8 man double elimination tournament.
So far, only one replay have been released. sAviOr vs Nal_rA on Hitch Hiker - which you can download on the link below.

The Match-Ups

Canada Testie<Korea Reach1-2
United States Skew<Korea Yell0w0-2
Korea IriS>Korea Xellos2-0
Korea sAviOr>Korea Nal_rA2-0

Winner Bracket
Korea IriS>Korea YellOw2-0
Korea sAviOr>Korea Reach2-0
Winers BracketFinals
Korea IriS<Korea sAviOr1-2
Loser Bracket
Korea Nal_rA>Canada Testie2-1
Korea Xellos>United States Skew2-0

Games To-Be Played (Losers Bracket Semi-Finals)

Korea Nal_rA>Korea YellOw2-0
Korea XellOs>Korea Reach2-0

//Co-written by Korea Dawn and United States epidiOn.

Links - Brackets - In-Depth Coverage
YaoYuan - Replays