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General19 years ago

OGN Dual Tournament: Update


A few days ago the OGN Dual Tournament got on its way as Group A was played and completed. As Group A finished up there were now eighteen clear qualifiers for the OGN StarLeague. Tonight Group B will be played, and from here another two gamers will qualify for OSL.


Group B

: March 31st
AnyTime..[gm]vs. Sea.Jy
SlayerS_BoxeRvs. [GsP]JJu

The matches will start in a couple of short hours. The start time was set to be about 19:00 Korean time. The second round will be played on Ride of Valkyries, while the finals will be hosted on Rush Hour II.

To qualify for the OGN StarLeague the four players must play one another to see who the best of the group is. The first player to go 2-0 will be qualified. Leaving the other three to find out who will get the second berth.

After tonight there will only be four more spots left in the OGN StarLeague. Those spots will soon be taken as both Group C and Group D will be played within next week's end.

The results will be displayed below. If you are not interested in the results being spoiled for yourself, than do not proceed any further than you already have.


Row 1: Korea XellOs[yG], Korea Dream.T)Siva, Korea s.s.m~[SiLvEr], Korea ShinHwa[Name], Korea TheMarine[Name]
Row 2: Korea YellOw[Name], Korea [GsP]JJu, Korea SaferZerg, Korea Sea.Jy, Korea Light[Alive]

Group B

AnyTime..[gm]< Sea.Jy@ Luna
SlayerS_BoxeR> [GsP]JJu@ Luna
SlayerS_BoxeR> Sea.Jy@ Ride of Valkyries
AnyTime..[gm]< [GsP]JJu@ Ride of Valkyries
[GsP]JJu> Sea.Jy@ Rush Hour II

Group C and Group D both will be played before next week's end. And after which the two groups are played all twenty-four seeds will be taken and the OGN StarLeague will commence!

Group C

: April 4th
GoodFrienDvs. SaferZerg
XellOs[yG]vs. YellOw[Name]

Group D

: April 5th
SaSin)Childvs. Dream.t)Siva
Syncvs. TheMarine[Name]


Korea [Oops]ClouD representing with OGN in the background.

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