This is another exclusive for GosuGamers.net. Racine_ and BSW_rama, from the Broodwar AI Project, enhanced
AI for 1.11 has achieved a whalloping 126,000 world wide downloads. Then of course Blizzard came out with a new patch rendering all our efforts to dust. Although the AI code worked perfectly if inserted manually the installer was rendered useless by the latest 1.11b patch.
BSW_rama, the programmer of the installer has updated the installer and now it works fine both in 1.11 patch and 1.11b. So now our enhanced AI is easily installed with one click, followed by another click to play it. Remember if you play online with more than one human player you will both will need the enhaced AI. If you do not have the enhaced AI and some one joins your game, and they have it, they will be dropped as soon as you launch the game.
The installer also lets you uninstall in seconds with one click to go back to the original AI if you should choose so. If Blizzard makes a new patch Rama informed me that he can have a new installer within a few days.
This enhanced AI is considered a "MOD" by Blizzard. Blizzard does not sanction the use of MODs for personal use and non commercial purposes. In the links below you can read a little information about Blizzard policy on MODs.
Of course, as always, download at you own risk.
Download it at »
Our download section
Read previous articles about the enhanced AI if you missed them:
1st Article
2nd Article
Read more about our Project in the link below. Final note: You need to have the original SC disc, it will not work with no disc versions of Starcraft.
Entropyzero.org - The Broodwar AI Project